Musée des Plans Reliefs de Paris

Posted on Sunday, March 17, 2024 by Seb
Album Paris Plans-Reliefs Museum

As I was in Paris in last February for the NieR Ochestral Concert, I’ve took the opportunity to visit the Musée des Plans Reliefs available at the Musée de l’Armée in Paris, at the Hôtel des Invalides. You may also see here the album regarding the pieces available in Lille.

The Hôtel des Invalides (“House of invalids”) is a former military hospital where disabled soliders were treated. Today, it’s still a hospital, and also a museum dedicated to the army and the military.

The upper of the Saint-Louis-des-Invalides Cathedral, a Church directly connected to the Hotel des Invalides.
The Mont Saint Michel is truly a masterpiece.